Everyone's a Critic
If I am to gauge anything from the pattern of yowling, Gus likes Jerome Kern a great deal, but does not care one bit for Gershwin. Charles Ives depends entirely on what piece it is. He loves both Duke Ellington and Edgar Varese. Milton Babitt is Right Out.
Hardee is utterly indifferent to music, and is wondering why I do not spend this much time and energy feeding her.
- At 11:43 PM, TeacherRefPoet held forth...
- Dude! We're totally finishing off big assignments TOGETHER!
- At 5:01 PM, Joe held forth...
- Just a moment, my beautiful blooming zooethnomusicologist...
Is yowling a sign of displeasure, or a mark of approval? (An attempt to sing along, if you will.)
You must document your methodology!