Thursday, May 12, 2005

We read, so you don't have to

(apologies to Lisa de Moraes for using her title conceit)

Seen in ThisisLondon:

Michael Jackson used his pet chimpanzees to clean Neverland ranch, his trial heard yesterday.

The creatures would help the star by dusting, cleaning windows and brushing the toilets, the jury heard.

OK, the man is undoubtedly weird, but c'mon. Monkey Butlers? How cool is that?


At 6:38 AM, Blogger tommyspoon held forth...
Yeah, but I'll bet the monkeys have to wear diapers. That's not cool... 
At 8:28 AM, Blogger Joe held forth...
You know where you really saw this! Give your boy some dap! 
At 11:03 AM, Blogger tommyspoon held forth...
Joe, you've been watching entirely too much Pardon the Interruption. That's ok, so have I. 
At 11:08 AM, Blogger lemming held forth...
You're very silly people. :-)

I'm curious to know how the monkeys were taught to do such things. Do you suppoe they could drop by my place? 
At 11:09 AM, Blogger Alison held forth...
As have I. As Joe knows full well, I actually heard about Jackson's unique housekeeping situation from Tony Kornheiser. I merely confirmed it through the website in the link. 
At 11:54 AM, Blogger Swankette held forth...
Don't know where I can register for one of these, but if anyone is at a loss as to what to get Sweetie and I for the wedding Monkey Butler is TOTALLY on the list! 

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