Sunday, October 16, 2005

Welcome to the Dahlhaus

Things I have learned during my first 4 weeks of graduate school:

  1. Large portions of the graduate school process are no more than academic hazing.
  2. There are people who somehow make it through college and are accepted to graduate schools (albeit in performance and conducting and the like) who don't have the first clue how to write a simple article citation using a style manual (as of our third projects coming back, it was 5 out of 15. Disturbing, but true).
  3. Joseph Kerman is fairly annoying, but Wye Allenbrook rocks.
  4. The versions of "Manteca" and "Sinnerman" on my Verve Remixes2 CD are the perfect length, when combined, to get me through the stretch of radio hell on 229.
  5. Sometimes the obvious answer really is the right one (actually, I knew this going in, but the faculty seem to spend the first two weeks trying to convince you otherwise, and doing a damn fine job).
  6. Ohio totally deserved whatever award it got recently for its library system. OhioLink has already saved my butt on multiple occasions, in ways it never did at Kenyon.
  7. The Master's degree is probably still going to be straight-up musicology, but even if I don't defect to the ethnomusicology side for the Ph.D., they are the folks I'm going to want to hang out with at the conferences.
  8. Very soon, I am going to need to add Lemming-esque notes to this blog about "books checked out" and "holds requested."
  9. If an otherwise intelligent woman tells you she's going to get herself off-campus and home by 7:30 on the Friday of homecoming weekend against Michigan State, when there's a parade, just humor her. She is delusional. When the plan fails, comfort her by pointing out that this meant she was able to listen to Marketplace it its entirety before losing the signal on the outskirts of Columbus.


At 12:13 PM, Blogger lemming held forth...
(Is suitably honored by #8)

Welcome to graduate school. You have mastered the critrical pieces of Semester the First. The next one is even more fun. :-) 
At 4:08 PM, Blogger Hugh held forth...
No, NO -- not ETHNO!

EwEwEwwwwww. . . 
At 10:06 PM, Blogger Alison held forth...
Hee! I don't quite get why the cooties reaction to ethno is so prevalent. We just got done with the cognitive ethnomusicology week of the super-meta-class-from-Hell (think cognitive psych combined with musicology with a side order of anthro). As we were leaving, one of the musicology faculty confessed that he couldn't wait until this segment was over (a pretty suprising admission, I thought). I didn't have the heart to tell him that it had been the best week so far.

So, Hugh - what's your beef with ethno? And Lemming, what do I have to look forward to next quarter? Or is that some sort of top-secret thing? 
At 10:22 PM, Blogger TheCompleteGeek held forth...
Love that Verve remixed, 

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