Raw data
- 11
- Days since my last post.
- 11
- Weeks on the W3 (Weight Watchers and Walking) diet.
- 13
- Pounds lost so far on the W3 diet.
- 3
- Days in a row I have put off mowing our yard.
- 1
- Estimated days until neighbor Jim gives up and mows it himself.
- Thursday
- Heaviest day of the week for spam.
- 26
- Spam messages filtered out by the InterScan anti-spam server today.
- 99
- Spam messages that made it through the filter to my Fenestra email address this morning.
- 94
- Spam messages filtered out by Thunderbird.
- 1
- Additional spam message received while writing this post.
- 6
- Days left until unemployment.
- 27
- Days until school starts at OSU.
- 22
- Days until my placement exam.
- 33
- Flashcards done.
- 3
- Days until classes start at Kenyon.
- 8000
- Approximate number of freshmen first-year students and assorted family members wandering around Gambier this morning.
- 7999
- Number of these people who are not Jamie Lee Curtis.
- 268
- Photos taken in Seattle.
- 37
- Photos developed.
- 6
- Worth posting here:
- At 12:10 PM, held forth...
Matt - At 1:57 PM, lemming held forth...
- I second Matt's motion (do not mess with basses.)
FANTASTIC post. Break a leg in grad school. - At 2:27 PM, tommyspoon held forth...
- And who's that foxy chick in photo #3? [Wolf whistle!]