Losing the Plot
This morning, on one of our weekly status conference calls, everyone was, naturally, following news of Katrina. It went something like this:
Alison: So anyhow, I think that, barring some sort of disaster, Surveyor should be out of testing by the end of today.
Steve: It looks like the Superdome roof is leaking.
Alison: Ooh - that has to suck.
Evelyn: Why would anybody want to go there instead of just getting out of town?
Steve: Mostly it seems to be people who don't have any other options.
Rick (desperately trying to return us to topic): So anyhow, I have a few special topics before everyone leaves. Is now a good time?
Evelyn: It says here that part of the Superdome roof was ripped off.
Steve: That would explain the leak.
In spite of that, it was actually a fairly productive meeting. Two more calls this afternoon, plus one more possible tomorrow or Wednesday, and I am done with teleconferences for a Good Long Time. Wheee!
garden progress: None, but I am optimistic for the end of the week.
house progress: New/old Hoosier cabinet in heavy use, kitchen storage is now mid-reorganize
what's for dinner? Probably leftovers of last night's stewed chicken. I might try Alton Brown's grandma's biscuit recipe again, too.