Short-timer syndrome is a strange phenomenon. I know lots of folks for whom it translates into increasing aggravation and decreasing patience with all the niggly things that annoy them about their job - a reminder of why they are leaving for (presumably) greener pastures. On the other hand, I find that I am more able to let those things slide in a way that, perhaps, I should have been doing all along. If I had, of course, I might not have gotten motivated enough to apply to grad school and leave the government contract racket.
Now that I know I'm not long for this job, rather than getting frustrated by Russ's slicky-boy act or Dennis's random ramblings or John's name-dropping, I can laugh them off. And every time the process starts to get to me, or I start to resent spending endless hours in meetings planning how we are going to talk about a process for actually doing work (rather than actually doing anything), I can remind myself that this is my last relaunch meeting, and I will only ever have to think about the Team Software Process for another few months.
As George Carlin said, “it's just as bad as hell, but you know you're goin' home.”
garden progress: Lawn mostly all mowed.
house progress: Little to none.
what's for dinner? Leftover roast chicken, salad.